Diablo 2 crafting recipes for leveling
Diablo 2 crafting recipes for leveling

diablo 2 crafting recipes for leveling

you are realistically at 1 in 10 million crafts allready. Now odds of getting those affixes: 1 in ~87.000. Your crafted wapeon under absolutely perfect conditions will roll:įrom recippe: 30-60 ed, 10-20 life, 1-3 life leechįrom affixes (4 total): +200-300 ed, +100-150 ed and 150-250 AR (alternatively +16,5 AR/level and 0.5 Max/level), 1-2 sockets, 40 IAS Someone please correct me if that assumption is wrong. I've been using this affix calculator, which I believe should apply to 1.13/1.14 as well. I'd rather save my jewels for caster amulets and blood gloves. I did start hoarding some magic axes/clubs for crafted weapons, but they're really not competitive with runewords or even some rares, since a craft will never produce an ethereal weapon. 4.3% or something like that), IMO worth the value of getting potentially +41-45 instead of plain. the high ilvl GCs, the increased chance to roll is quite minimal (like 4.5% vs. I did look at the chances for the lowest ilvl for skillers vs. I don't think I have any of the high ilvl GCs to roll +41-45 Life yet, so haven't started on this really. 93), the ilvl stabilizes around 61 which is still high enough to get all the desired rare jewel affixes.

diablo 2 crafting recipes for leveling

The ilvl does degrade with this recipe, but with a high clvl (e.g. You can gamble them and also use your low-level Charsi imbues on high qlvl versions like diadems. Rerolling rare jewels (Skulls) - I decided on rare jewels over rerolling diadems because rare circlet-types are pretty easy to come by.According to this crafting guide, there are ideal crafting levels (~65-70 range) for these to avoid high ilvl affixes that grant charges of skills (and also push up the clvl req): Blood/Hitpower Gloves (Rubies, Nef / Sapphires, Ort) - Blood more generally useful with Crushing Blow, and Hitpower only really for Bowazons that need Knockback - I play PvM so WF + LoH is probably straight up better than any Hitpower gloves I can roll.Caster Amulets (Amethysts, Rals) - pretty obvious.I just started crafting this week after reaching clvl 93 and hoarding materials for, well.

Diablo 2 crafting recipes for leveling